At the gate of heaven we strive for new goals

Sharing departure and at the same time closeness, discovering new things in the tried and true, finding the balance in these "challenging times".

The Vatican, "the gate of heaven" is the basis for our actions. From here, for over 50 years, we have been striving for the "supernatural". We appreciate the vibrancy and spirituality of this place - the everyday and the spiritual - the give and take. We feel this privilege is unique and we make this uniqueness our program.

Get involved with the "supernatural"! Our offer will inspire you!

We can

We open doors

Private palaces, closed museums, forbidden places, secret gardens, churches and monasteries

We enable encounters

With Pnities from politics, the church, culture and society.

We organize trips and events

For pilgrims, choirs, orchestras, companies, travel agencies and organizers, institutions, private groups and every year the "Great Parade

We organize music festivals and concerts

Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra

Our partner hotels at St. Peter's Square

Residenza San Paolo VI

Palazzo Cardinal Cesi 

We are involved in foundations

Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

You have a personal request? Please contact me!

Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial is looking forward to your

Mail and will be happy to assist you.